What lead to the creation of Helen Doron English?

The inspiration came about while Helen Doron was watching her four-year-old daughter, Ella, learn ‎violin through the Suzuki method. Dr Suzuki teaches music like a language — children learn through ‎repeated hearing and are motivated through positive reinforcement. She asked herself, “What if ‎children could learn English the same way they learn the violin?” Asking this question ultimately lead ‎to the formation of her enterprise, Helen Doron English, which started out as a home-based business ‎and has grown into an internationally recognized franchise. ‎
Helen Doron wanted children to learn English naturally, without even realizing they were learning ‎another language. As a linguistic scientist with a deep understanding of language, she understood ‎that she had a unique opportunity to change the way we learn English, and that’s what she set out to ‎do. ‎


What lead to the creation of Helen Doron English?

The inspiration came about while Helen Doron was watching her four-year-old daughter, Ella, learn ‎violin through the Suzuki method. Dr Suzuki teaches music like a language — children learn through ‎repeated hearing and are motivated through positive reinforcement. She asked herself, “What if ‎children could learn English the same way they learn the violin?” Asking this question ultimately lead ‎to the formation of her enterprise, Helen Doron English, which started out as a home-based business ‎and has grown into an internationally recognized franchise. ‎
Helen Doron wanted children to learn English naturally, without even realizing they were learning ‎another language. As a linguistic scientist with a deep understanding of language, she understood ‎that she had a unique opportunity to change the way we learn English, and that’s what she set out to ‎do. ‎