Our News
13 Aug 2018

What support do I receive from Helen Doron English?‎

Helen Doron English has a wealth of resources developed to create an enriched learning ‎experience. Teaching sets include teacher guides, flashcards, books, DVDs and CDs, and other ‎teaching aids to get you started in your new career. ‎

Our online Teacher Portal offers downloadable teaching materials, pedagogic updates, a seminar ‎calendar, and more. In our Teacher’s Forum, you will benefit from articles about our courses, ‎pedagogic updates, teaching advice, developments from Head Office, and ideas for prop-making. ‎You can pose questions, offer answers and receive feedback. ‎

We offer a wide range of teaching seminars which help you stay current on new and updated ‎material as well as qualify in courses not taught in the original Teacher Training Course. You will be ‎required to attend at least one seminar per year. All teachers attend an Annual Conference that ‎gives insights on various aspects of child development and education and provides in-depth course ‎trainings. ‎

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