How do I qualify to become a Helen Doron Early English teacher?‎

Take the first step and sign up for a training course. We will help you find a spot in the next course at the time and place best suited to you. Courses are ‎run throughout the year in many different locations, so there is sure to be one convenient for you. ‎Courses are generally divided into two days of introduction and evaluation, and three days of in-‎depth training. You can choose from teaching kids (ages 0-11) or teens (11-19).‎


How do I qualify to become a Helen Doron Early English teacher?‎

Take the first step and sign up for a training course. We will help you find a spot in the next course at the time and place best suited to you. Courses are ‎run throughout the year in many different locations, so there is sure to be one convenient for you. ‎Courses are generally divided into two days of introduction and evaluation, and three days of in-‎depth training. You can choose from teaching kids (ages 0-11) or teens (11-19).‎